Any Company which is incorporated in Hong Kong or registered under Part XI of the Ordinance shall be eligible to apply for admission as an associate member. 任何在香港成立或根据公司条例第十一部份注册之公司,均可申请为本会之赞助会员。
Subject to the BVI Business Companies Act2004, a director was appointed and one share was allotted for this company which has been incorporated for six months. 受《英属维尔京群岛二零零四年商业公司法》所约束,该公司在成立六个月之时已委任一名董事并配发一股股份。
When a company is incorporated it is treated as a separate legal entity distinct from its promoters, directors, members, and employees; 公司成立股份有限公司时,是将其作为一个独立法律实体对待的,它与公司发起人,董事,会员,雇员是截然不同的。
"SARTID a.d., a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" SARTIDa.d.,一家依据南斯拉夫联邦共和国法律成立和存续的公司
The company is incorporated in Delaware, and was therefore required to give shareholders only 10 days 'notice of the need for more funds. 该公司注册地是美国的特拉华州,因此如果需要更多资金,只需提前10天通知股东。
If a company was not incorporated in China then it could rest assured that it would have few if any mainland tax liabilities. 如果某家公司不是在中国设立的,那么它大可放心的一点是,即使要在中国大陆交税,那也只有很少一部分。
His company incorporated with mine. 他的公司和我的公司合并。
Red chip a company incorporated and listed in Hong Kong with controlling Chinese shareholders. 红筹公司指在香港注册成立,但控股股东为中国实体的公司。
A company incorporated outside Hong Kong, commonly known as offshore companies. 在本港以外注册成立的公司一般称为离岸公司。
Later the drug company Bayer, Incorporated bought Miles Laboratories. 后来她在拜耳制药公司尔斯实验室工作。
CAAT is an ISO9001 certified general construction company incorporated in1983 in Singapore. CAAT是通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证的建筑公司,在西元1983年成立于新加坡。
The Customer shall not rely upon any representation concerning any goods or services supplied unless the same shall have been made by the Company in writing and incorporated into the Contract. 客户有权利不相信提供的任何产品或者服务的展示,除非由公司生产出来并且在合同里书面规定之。
Chinese investors may establish limited liability company, incorporated company, etc. in the park. 中国境内投资者可以在廊坊龙河工业园设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司等各类企业。
For a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinances, the commencement date of its first business registration certificate is its date of incorporation. 根据《公司条例》在香港注册成立的有限公司,其首张商业登记证的开始生效日期是它的注册日期。
The Company is incorporated in Shandong Province's first professional exhibition company! 本公司为山东省首家注册成立的专业展览公司!
A private limited company ( the HK Company) was incorporated in Hong Kong in February 2000. 一家私人有限公司于2000年2月在香港注册成为法团(下称香港公司)。
A company that is incorporated but has no assets or operations. 联合在一起的公司,但是没有资产或不能运转。
The jurisdiction where the offshore holding company transferred is incorporated does not acquire income tax from foreign-sourced income. 被转让的境外控股公司所在国(地区)对其居民境外所得不征收所得税。
Party A, a company incorporated in the PRC as a wholly foreign owned enterprise, with its principle business as management consulting for metal mining industry and metal trading; 甲方为根据中国法成立的外商投资企业,其主营业务是从事金属矿的管理咨询和金属贸易;
Company in2003, incorporated in Shenzhen. 公司于2003年在深圳注册成立。
The offshore company incorporated in the enterprise to the world, to conduct international business, enhance the international image of the shortcut. 离岸公司在向全球企业注册成立,开展国际业务,提升国际形象的捷径。
I landed my first design job at a well-known American interior design company, Barbara Barry Incorporated. 我在美国著名的室内设计公司芭芭拉贝瑞公司获得了第一份设计工作。
As an early bird in China condiment market, McCormick& Company Incorporated has now made China the important market in its global strategy. It has promised to make further investment to expand its overall business in China. 早期进入中国调味品市场的McCormick&Company,Incorporated(美国味可美公司),其全球经营战略已将中国确定为重点市场,将大幅度增加投资,扩大经营规模。
The Research on Evaluation and Pre-warning of Financial Risk of Public Company Incorporated VaR 融入VaR的上市公司财务风险评估及预警研究
The thesis details the specific mode for the sponsors to undertake civil liability respectively with the starting point of the failure of company's incorporation under the circumstance that the company can't be incorporated or the incorporation is invalid. 本文即以公司设立失败为切入点,分别论证了在公司设立不能和设立无效的情形下,发起人承担民事责任的具体方式。
I think first of all, should be holding company incorporated company law adjusting object, expressly holding company and its related rights, such as the need to set a special chapter provides control over the content, the holding company law. 我认为应当将控股公司纳入公司法的调整对象,明文规定控股公司及其相关权利,如有必要设专章规定控制权的相关内容,使得控股公司有法可依。
But there is no doubt in other countries, the legal system of expulsion of shareholder has been recognized and widely considered as a basic system in the limited liability company even in incorporated company. 但是在国外,股东除名制度得到了认可而蓬勃发展并被普遍认为是有限责任公司的一项基本制度甚至还认为可以将股东除名制度适用于股份有限公司。